Martijn Faassen: The Call of Python 2.8

Mark H Harris harrismh777 at
Tue Apr 15 18:17:10 EDT 2014

On 4/15/14 4:02 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

That's what I thought. Its really about getting the super-power wall 
fixed up; everything else will fall in place. I do think that Guido 
might be positioning himself as an enabler, of sorts. I can see 
extending through 2015... I think extending support for 2.7 through 2020 
is ridiculous.

The trouble with the super-power wall is that if Guido extends toooo 
much, the super-powers will slack off because the dead-line appears 
further out than it really is. All I'm saying is a little pressure might 
be a good thing.


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