linregress and polyfit

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at
Thu Sep 19 10:37:09 EDT 2013

On 18 September 2013 20:57, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:
> On 18/9/2013 09:38, chitturk at wrote:
>> Thanks - that helps ... but it is puzzling because
>> np.random.normal(0.0,1.0,1) returns exactly one
>> and when I checked the length of "z", I get 21 (as before) ...
> I don't use Numpy, so this is just a guess, plus reading one web page.
> According to:
> the 3rd argument to normal should be a tuple.  So if you want a single
> element, you should have made it (1,)

Numpy accepts ints in place of shape tuples so this makes no difference.

> As for checking the 'length of "z"' did you just use the len() function?
> That just tells you the first dimension.  Have you tried simply printing
> out "z" ?

Exactly. What you need to check is the shape attribute (converting to
numpy array first if necessary):

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.random.normal(0, 1, 1)
>>> a
>>> a.shape
>>> a[0]
>>> np.array(a[0])
>>> np.array(a[0]).shape
>>> [a, a]
[array([-0.90292348]), array([-0.90292348])]
>>> np.array([a, a])
>>> np.array([a, a]).shape
(2, 1)
>>> np.random.normal(0, 1, 2).shape

The square brackets in 'array([-0.90292348])' indicate that numpy
considers this to be a 1-dimensional array of length 1 rather than a
scalar value (which would have an empty shape tuple).


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