Stripping characters from windows clipboard with win32clipboard from excel

Dave Angel davea at
Wed Sep 18 16:13:20 EDT 2013

On 18/9/2013 15:40, MRAB wrote:

> On 18/09/2013 20:28, stephen.boulet at wrote:
>> Thanks to everyone for their help. Using everyone's suggestions, this seems to work:
>> import win32clipboard, win32con
>> def getclipboard():
>>      win32clipboard.OpenClipboard()
>>      s = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT)
>>      win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
>>      if '\0' in s:
>>          s = s[:s.index('\0')]
>>      return s
> That'll look for a null character and, if it finds one, then look for
> it again. Of course, that probably isn't an issue in practice.
> However, an alternative way of doing it is to use the .partition method:
>       return s.partition('\0')[0]

So is the bug in Excel, in Windows, or in the Python library?  Somebody
is falling down on the job;  if Windows defines the string as ending at
the first null, then the Python interface should use that when defining
the text defined with CF_UNICODETEXT.

Or maybe it's an example of ill-defined Windows specs.


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