NameError: global name '' is not defined , but a bit differences

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Thu Sep 5 03:47:22 EDT 2013

On 9/5/2013 1:38 AM, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 9:17 PM, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
> <mohsen at> wrote:

>> i get the error :
>> NameError: global name 'ui' is not defined
>> Complete question is at :

Mohsen, I consider this post to be close to spamming in that its purpose 
is to drive traffic to your post on SO. SO says you posted the question 
3 hrs ago, while my mail agent says you posted the link two hours ago. 
Ask a question on one forum and stick with that for at least a few days.

> Please don't just post a link to Stack Overflow for your questions. It
> means that if Stack Overflow ever shuts down, this question is useless
> to anyone else looking at this post and also adds an extra step to
> anyone on this list wanting to answer your question- we're helping you
> in our spare time because we want to help people with these things.
> Please don't make us do extra work to help you.
> Just a note- doing a "from module import *" is considered poor coding
> style because it makes it difficult to figure out where all the names
> are coming from, especially if you start doing multiple import *s in a
> single code file. Either explicitly import the names you need ("from
> ui.interface.interface import InterfaceCodes") or import the module
> without adding the names to the local namespace ("import
> ui.interface.interface")

Terry Jan Reedy

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