Cannot form correctly the FORM part of the header when sending mail

Ferrous Cranus nikos at
Thu Sep 5 05:36:57 EDT 2013

Στις 5/9/2013 12:34 μμ, ο/η Ferrous Cranus έγραψε:
> Even though these examples are with ints, not strings, the precedence is
> the same.
> Go back to your code. Read your code. Does it look closer to this:
> 8 + 2 % 5
> or this?
> (8 + 2) % 5
> Can you solve this problem now?
> Yes Steven, according to your precedence example now i can:
> MESSAGE = ( "From: %s\n" + "To: %s\n" + "Subject: %s\n\n%s\n" ) % (
>              MESSAGE = MESSAGE.encode('utf-8')
> it just need the whole concatenation thing in parenthesis so to be
> executed first but now:
>              # send the mail
>              server.sendmail( [ MESSAGE ] )
> or
>              # send the mail
>              server.sendmail( MESSAGE )
> both fail.
The error messge says:

nikos at [~]# cat /tmp/err.out
sendmail =>  13-09-05 12:20:53 (<class 'TypeError'>, 
TypeError("sendmail() missing 2 required positional arguments: 
'to_addrs' and 'msg'",), <traceback object at 0x7f3fb4f44488>)
nikos at [~]#

but all of the needed args are within MESSAGE.
Cant it take it from there?

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