personal library

patrick vrijlandt patrick.vrijlandt at
Tue Oct 29 17:29:27 EDT 2013

Hello list,

Python has been a hobby for me since version 1.5.2. Over the years I
accumulated quite a lot of reusable code. It is nicely organised in
modules, directories and subdirectories. With every project, the library
grows and is developed further. I would like to ask your advice for two

For most projects I use python's most recent, stable release. Obviously,
some 3rd party libraries still do not support Python3 (like wx) and I will
use 2.7. Does this mean I should maintain seperate libraries for 2 and 3,
or can this be done easier? I do like new language features!

How do I arrange that I can access the most recent version of my library on
every computer in my home network? Development is usually on my desktop,
sometimes on my laptop, and of course I use python for maintenance tasks on
other computers in the house (e.g. The children's). I now have the library
on a network share and local copies on each computer, but of course I
forget to synchronise often enough.

As said, python is a hobby, and the solution should be as lightweight as
possible! I'm usually on windows (vista, xp or 7).



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