Organising packages/modules - importing functions from a in a separate directory?

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Tue Oct 29 03:44:47 EDT 2013

Victor Hooi wrote:

> Hi,
> Hmm, this post on SO seems to suggest that importing from another sibling
> directory in a package ins't actually possibly in Python without some ugly
> hacks?
> Did I read the above correctly?

> Is there another way I can structure my code so that I can run the
> and scripts, and they can pull common functions from
> somewhere?

The packages you are trying to access in your original post 

> foo_loading/
>     common/
>     em_load/
>         config.yaml
>     pg_load/
>         config.yaml

aren't actually siblings in the sense of the stackoverflow topic above, they 
are subpackages of foo_loading, and as you already found out

> So from within the script, I'm trying to import a function from 
>     from ..common.common_foo import setup_foo_logging
> I get the error:
>     ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package 
> If I change directories to the parent of "foo_loading", then run
>     python -m foo_loading.em_load.sync_em
> it works. However, this seems a bit roundabout, and I suspect I'm not 
doing things correctly.
> Ideally, I want a user to be able to just run from it's own 
directory, and have it correctly import the logging/config modules from, and just work.
> What is the correct way to achieve this?

you can access them as long as the *parent* directory of foo_loading is in 
sys.path through PYTHONPATH, or as the working directory, or any other 
means. However, if you step into the package, e. g.

$ cd foo_loading
$ python -c 'import common'

then from Python's point of view 'common' is a toplevel package rather than 
the intended 'foo_loading.common', and intra-package imports will break.

To preserve your sanity I therefore recommend that you 

(1) avoid to put package directories into sys.path
(1a) avoid to cd into a package
(2) put scripts you plan to invoke directly rather than import outside the 

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