Python was designed (was Re: Multi-threading in Python vs Java)

Roy Smith roy at
Mon Oct 21 09:05:05 EDT 2013

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Steven D'Aprano 
<steve+comp.lang.python at> wrote:
> One of the reasons multiple languages exist is because people find that
> useful programming idioms and styles are *hard to use* or "ugly" in some
> languages, so they create new languages with different syntax to make
> those useful patterns easier to use. But syntax is not everything.
> Whether you write:
> object.method(arg)    // Python, VB, Ruby, Java
> object#method arg     // OCaml
> object:method arg     // Lua
> method object arg     // Haskell, Mercury
> object method arg     // Io
> object->method(arg)   // C++, PHP
> method(object, arg)   // Ada, Dylan
> send method(arg) to object  // XTalk family of languages

You missed the ever-so-special Objective C syntax:

[object method arg1 withSomething arg2 withSomethingElse arg3]

I'm sure I got that slightly wrong.  I don't do Objective C, and my eyes 
glaze over every time I have to read it.

And, of course, there's Postscript (stolen from Forth) stack syntax:


although it's more than just syntax; it's a totally different program 
architecture.  A lot of people don't realize that PostScript is not just 
a printer file format, it's a real language with functions, variables, 
loops, and all that good stuff.

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