Help me with this code PLEASE

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Tue Nov 5 18:36:24 EST 2013

On 05/11/2013 22:31, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 05Nov2013 20:09, Nikos <nikos.gr33k at> wrote:
>> O even better an rdbms than allows complex data such as tuples,
>> lists, dicts to be saved into the db as they are so i dont have to
>> cobvet back and forth each time.
> If you're just using the db for storage or adhoc and arbitrary
> python objects (and not querying the stored values via SQL - eg
> WHERE), then: make a column of type BLOB, convert Python values to
> bytes using pickle, store. And of course the reverse.
> It is not a great use of an RDB, but it seems to adhere to what you ask.

How do expect the OP to understand a BLOB or pickle or chutney when he 
doesn't understand why he can't iterate around a Nonetype object?

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Mark Lawrence

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