python adds an extra half space when reading from a string or list

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at
Wed Jul 3 21:08:31 EDT 2013

On 4 July 2013 01:53, Ben Finney <ben+python at> wrote:
> rusi <rustompmody at> writes:
>> As a good Christian I believe that Chris tried more than anyone else
>> on this list to help Nikos before talking recourse to another gem of
>> biblical wisdom:
>> He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him
>> chasteneth him betimes.
> Good Christian morality entails biblical encouragement to beat one's
> child with a rod, I see.
> Please, may I be spared encounters with good Christians.
> Let's end right now the insidious doctrine that beating a person -
> metaphorically or otherwise - is ever acceptable in this forum. If that
> contradicts anyone's good Christian morality, then good Christian
> morality is dead wrong and needs to be rejected.

And also, let's end this and all the related discussions about
trolling and how to deal with trolls. I can see how some are annoyed
by Νίκος and his posts but I for one am *much more* concerned/bothered
by the surrounding (often highly) unpleasant discussion by others.


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