Reading data from 2 different files and writing to a single file

inshu chauhan insideshoes at
Mon Jan 28 10:18:08 EST 2013

> That's  "zip"  not  "Zip"
> Have you tried looking at the docs?  Or even typing help(zip) at the
> python interpreter prompt?
> In rough terms, zip takes one element (line) from each of the iterators,
> and creates a new list that holds tuples of those elements.  If you use it
> in this form:
>      for item1, item2 in zip(iter1, iter2):
> then item1 will be the first item of iter1, and item2 will be the first
> item of iter2.  You then process them, and loop around.  It stops when
> either iterator runs out of items.
>    gives me**library/functions.html#zip<>
> as the first link.
> This will read the entire content of both files into the list, so if they
> are more than 100meg or so, you might want to use  izip().  (In Python3.x,
>  zip will do what izip does on Python 2.x)
> --
> DaveA
> --

Thanks Dave, I am Sorry ,  true I dint look up for it because as per the
Suggetion by Chris, 'break' does solve my problem but I wanted to know a
little about 'zip' for I encounter any other problem, parsing these two
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