Specifying two log files with one configuration file

Peter Steele pwsteele at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 14:10:45 EST 2013

I want to configure the Python logging module to manage two separate log files, allowing me to do something like this:

import logging
import logging.config
root = logging.getLogger()
test = logging.getLogger("test")

root.debug("This is a message targeted to the root log file")
test.debug("This is a message targeted to the test log file")

I have been unable to get this to work. My current conf file looks like this:

  keys: simple

  keys: root,test

  keys: root,test

  format=%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s

  class: handlers.RotatingFileHandler
  args: ('/var/log/root.log', 'a', 1024000, 14)
  formatter: simple

  class: handlers.RotatingFileHandler
  args: ('/var/log/test.log', 'a', 1024000, 14)
  formatter: simple

  level: DEBUG
  handlers: root

  level: DEBUG
  handlers: test

With this setup, all of my log messages go to test.log. root.log is created, but nothing gets logged to it. What do I need in my logging conf file to have two separate log file destinations?

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