interactive help on the base object

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Sun Dec 8 20:38:25 EST 2013

On 09/12/2013 01:09, Mark Janssen wrote:
>>>>>   >>> help(object)
>>>>> Help on class object in module builtins:
>>>>> class object
>>>>>    |  The most base type
>>>> '''The default top superclass for all Python classes.
>>>> Its methods are inherited by all classes unless overriden.
>>>> '''
>> """ The root class for all Python classes. Its methods are inherited by
>> all classes unless overriden. """
> *sits back*.

Why?  If a newbie is encouraged, as everybody is, to use help at the 
interactive prompt, then surely them seeing "The most base type" when 
typing "help(object)" is of no use to them at all.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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