Managing Google Groups headaches

rusi rustompmody at
Mon Dec 2 12:11:01 EST 2013

On Monday, December 2, 2013 7:34:33 PM UTC+5:30, Neil Cerutti wrote:
> On 2013-12-02, Roy Smith  wrote:
> >> The current situation does force a lot of technology-focused
> >> people, progammers in particular, into a low opinion of Google.
> >> The crappy usenet portal is poor marketing.
> >
> > If you think, "The set of people who are still trying to use
> > usenet groups for anything serious" is a lot of people, you
> > don't understand the scale on which Google operates.
> It's probably hard to even visualize.

I was dreaming about in an alternate surreal world…
And now you guys have crashed me back to planet-earth-2013


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