Moving folders with content

Nobody nobody at
Sun Sep 16 10:31:07 EDT 2012

On Sun, 16 Sep 2012 12:40:18 +0200, Hans Mulder wrote:

> But you should get into the habit of using shell=False whenever
> possible, because it is much easier to get it right.

More accurately, you should get into the habit of passing a list as the
first argument, rather than a string.

On Unix-like systems (including Mac OS X), this effectively requires
shell=False. Passing a list with shell=True has behaviour which is
well-defined, but rarely useful (the first element of the list will be
executed as a shell command, the remaining elements will be available via
the shell variables $1, $2, etc within that command).

On Windows, the list is converted to a command string using the same
quoting rules regardless of the value of the shell= parameter. The
difference is that shell=False requires the "executable" to actually be a
binary executable, while shell=True allows it to be some other type of
file (e.g. a batch file, Python script, etc).

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