Is it necessary to call Tk() when writing a GUI app with Tkinter?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Thu Mar 1 22:43:22 EST 2012

On 3/1/2012 9:49 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
> On Feb 29, 11:24 pm, Terry Reedy<tjre... at>  wrote:

>> There is a minor problem left. The hi_there Button text has underscores
>> because if I use spaces instead, tk surrounds the text with {bra ces}.
>> This seems bizarre. Is there any way to have Button text with spaces and
>> no braces?
> Not sure what is happening on your end, but i don't see any braces.

Are you saying that if you change "Hello_World\n(click_me)" to
"Hello World\n(click me)", you see

Hello World
(click me)

as I expected, instead of

{Hellow World
  (click me)}

as I do see? What OS are you running? And what tk version? (I have 8.5.9 
in Win7)

Terry Jan Reedy

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