help me debug my "word capitalizer" script

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at
Wed Aug 22 10:29:09 EDT 2012

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Santosh Kumar <sntshkmr60 at> wrote:
> OK! The bug one fixed. Thanks to Andreas Perstinger.
> Let's move to Bug #2:
>  2. How do I escape the words that are already in uppercase? For example:
> The input file has this:
> The script changes this to:
> Nasa
> Is it possible to make this script look at a word, see if its first
> character is capitalized, if capitalized then skip that word. If not
> do the processing? I don't wan to use regex? Do I need it?
> --

Go into your python shell and type help(str) or lookup the
documentation on the python site about strings

There are methods to tell if a word is all caps, or if the first
letter is capitalized

Joel Goldstick

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