Today's fun and educational Python recipe

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Wed May 4 15:02:17 EDT 2011

On 04-05-11 20:17, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> Here's a 22-line beauty for a classic and amazing algorithm:
> The wiki article on the algorithm is brief and well-written:
> It turns out that people in the 1970's were pretty smart :-)

I think that often, the cleverness of people is inversely proportional 
to the amount of CPU power and RAM that they have in their computer.

"Meh, what would I need such a thing for, I could just as well stick 
everything into a list"

Thankfully there are also people for whom this doesn't count.
(are they stuck in the '70s?)

Also: wasn't there a talk on Pycon in which a bloom filter was mentioned?


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