newbie question (for loop)

Tim Morneau Tim.Morneau at
Tue Mar 15 14:48:14 EDT 2011

You have to add the colon to the end of the statement if this is an 
accurate representation of the statement so:

"for  i  in  range(len(list)):"  instead of "for  i  in  range(len(list))"

On 3/15/2011 2:01 AM, Sachin Kumar Sharma wrote:
> BB,
> I am getting error on the following syntax while running in Ipython 
> and spyder and I failed to figure out why
> for  i  in  range(len(list))
> Error
> for  i  in  range(len(list))
>                                          ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> where list is a list defined as a collection of words and it is OK 
> prints fine.
> Kindly advise.
> Cheers
> Sachin
> *************************************************************************
> Sachin Kumar Sharma*
> Senior Geomodeler __



Timothy W. Morneau

/National Semiconductor/

Phone: (303) 845-4108

Fax:(303) 845-4005

email: Tim.Morneau at

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