Run Python script from JS

Tim Roberts timr at
Fri Jun 17 13:07:07 EDT 2011

Hansmeet Singh wrote:
> for xhtml wouldnt the syntax be <script type = "text/python">??
> or am i on some other planet

No, you're right.  Before you get too excited, however, I want to
emphasize how limited this option is.  This will ONLY work if Python has
been installed on the machine running the browser, AND if Python has
been enabled as an ActiveScripting language on that machine.  The
Windows Python installations have the ability to do that, but it is not
done automatically because the security implications are not fully
understood.  (Well, more precisely, there are known attack vectors that
make it too dangerous for widespread deployment.)

Tim Roberts, timr at
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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