Django ported to Python3!

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at
Sat Dec 3 01:48:25 EST 2011

Ron, 02.12.2011 22:47:
> It looks like Vinay Sajip has succeeded in porting Django to Python3
> (in a shared code base for Python 3.2 and Python 2.7). This is an
> astoundingly good job, done very fast and is big news.
> See!topic/django-developers/XjrX3FIPT-U
> and the actual code is at Bitbucket
> With NumPy and SciPy already ported, and with Matplotlib almost there,
> maybe PIL and others will follow shortly. This could be a turning
> point, or a milestone, or whatever you want to call it. Vinay is  a
> hero who should be thanked and congratulated!

Note that most of the work was done by Martin von Löwis, quite a while back 
in the early days of Python 3.x.

He also did a huge amount of lobbying to get the changes accepted before 
the time that the project originally envisioned. The original plans of the 
Django project were to only *start* the porting after dropping support for 
Python 2.5 somewhere in the future. Martin made it rather clear with his 
patch (and keeps reiterating it wherever he can) that you can support both 
in one code base, even in a project as large as Django.


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