Need to parse python dictionaries into xml

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at
Wed Jun 16 02:09:44 EDT 2010

abhijeet thatte, 16.06.2010 03:05:
> I am a novice Python user. I am using Python to parse some hardware
> specifications and create xml files from them.
> I generate dict of really huge sizes. (I am parsing some 10,000 register
> definitions.)

Why do you need these intermediate dicts?

> So, it looks like : {elem1,elem2, elem3,dict1,{elem4,elem5, dict2 {elem6,
> elem7, dict3{.....}}}}.

What is this hierarchy of dicts mapping to what?

It's always best to provide a short extract of a real example rather than 
something you made up.


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