Executing Commands From Windows Service

David Bolen db3l.net at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 14:18:50 EST 2010

T <misceverything at gmail.com> writes:

> The more testing I do, I think you may be right..I was able to get it
> to work under a local admin account, and it worked under debug mode
> (which would also have been running as this user).  I'm a bit
> surprised though - I was under the assumption that LocalSystem had
> rights to access the network?

Not from my past experience - the system account (LocalSystem for
services) can be surprising, in that it's pretty much unlimited access
to all local resources, but severely limited in a handful of cases,
one of which is any attempt to access the network.  I can't recall for
sure if it's an absolute block, or if in some cases you can configure
around it (e.g., it might use a null session for remote shares which
can be enabled through the registry on the target machine).  I've
basically stuck "LocalSystem = no network" in my head from past

So you can either install your service to run under your existing
account, or create an account specifically for running your service,
granting that account just the rights it needs.

-- David

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