win32api install problem

Tim Roberts timr at
Wed Jul 22 03:09:07 EDT 2009

Gerry <gerard.blais at> wrote:

>I'm running Python 2.6 under XP.
>I've installed Windows 32 extensions for Python 2.6 version 1.4
>But If I try to import win32api, I get:
>  File "C:\python_projects\euler\", line 1, in <module>
>    import win32api
>ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
>\Python26\Lib\site-packages has:
>03/23/2009  08:35 AM    <DIR>          win32
>07/20/2009  09:08 AM    <DIR>          win32com
>02/18/2009  01:21 PM    <DIR>          win32comext
>Can anyone offer a suggestion?

It is very unusual that those three directories should have different
creation dates.  Normally, all three would have the same date and time,
from whenever you ran the installer.

I would suggest that you go into Add and Remove Programs, uninstall
pywin32, and run the installer again.
Tim Roberts, timr at
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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