OTish: convince the team to drop VBScript

Shane Geiger sgeiger at councilforeconed.org
Sat Feb 28 22:10:29 EST 2009

>> The company does use Python on rare occasions. It all comes down to
>> the prejudices and habits of one of the programmers. His only argument
>> I can't counter -because I don't see the problem- is that "Python
>> modules cause problems for updates to customer's installations".

This is purely an argument from ignorance, a logical fallacy. 

Python is one of the more flexible, cleanly designed tools you could 
have at your disposal--it is certainly more powerful, flexible and 
elegant than VBScript.  If he has any doubts about how things can be 
designed with Python, show him that py2web (a web server/development 
environment) requires no installation, can run on a USB memory stick, 
can work with multiple operating systems, and can run on a cell phone 
(see youtube demo). 

> Next time you talk to him, when he say that again, interrupt him, and
> say: "[citation needed]" (don't forget the parentheses).
> I don't really see any reason why "python modules would cause problem
> for updating customer's installations", and I can't find anything on
> Google that mentioned any problem. However, I do know that upgrading
> python modules is easier than upgrading most other language's
> libraries[citation needed].
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Shane Geiger, IT Director
Council For Economic Education / www.councilforeconed.org
sgeiger at councilforeconed.org  / 402-438-8958

Teaching Opportunity

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