Simple textual calendar

Tim Chase python.list at
Mon Nov 3 10:17:25 EST 2008

> Yes, I saw the calendar module, but, as I said, this isn't
> homework or something like that. It is an example which I've
> setted myself to try to solve to see how it would go. Calendar
> just gives me the solution :-(

Part of the answer to a problem is knowing when not to duplicate 
effort that's already been exerted & tested... :)

However, yes, several of my mini apps have wanted to print 
decorated calendars on the command-line so I've had to rehash 
this logic.  The code in the can be instructive, and 
it's not to complex to use the "calendar.monthcalendar(year, 
month)" function to draw these calendars:

   from calendar import monthcalendar, month_name
   year = 2008
   for month in range(1,13):
     print year, month_name[month]
     for i,week in enumerate(monthcalendar(year, month)):
       print "Week %i" % (i+1),
       for day in week:
         print " %02i" % day,

(adjust for special handling of "day=0")


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