request for Details about Dictionaries in Python

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at
Fri Mar 14 13:06:00 EDT 2008

Michael Wieher wrote:
> I'm not sure if a well-written file/seek/read algorithm is faster than a
> relational database...
> sure a database can store relations and triggers and all that, but if
> he's just doing a lookup for static data, then I'm thinking disk IO is
> faster for him?  not sure

I would think that rolling your own solution would get complicated
enough that it would be easier to just use SQLite or something. If you
wanted to go to the effort, you could probably get something faster, but
if SQLite is fast enough, who cares?

Hmm, if Perl's on-disk hash tables are good, maybe someone should port
them to Python, or maybe someone already has.

Also, for translations, maybe there's a good library already available.

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