Edit MP4 and/or WMV file metadata?

allen.fowler allen.fowler at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 13:53:43 EST 2008


I have many WMV files with bad embedded author/title/date information.

However, the correct information is correctly encoded in the file
name.. i.e. "title-author-date.wmv"

I am about to conver these fiiles to MP$ for use on an iPod. The video
software I am using will, I think, transfer the metadata from the WMV
to MP4 files.

So, two questions:

1) Is there a python module I can use to edit the metadata in MP4

2) Failing that, is there a python module I can use to edit the
metadata in the WMV files, and hope the data makes it through the

-- Thank you

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