Attack a sacred Python Cow

Nikolaus Rath Nikolaus at
Mon Jul 28 03:43:30 EDT 2008

Bruno Desthuilliers <bdesth.quelquechose at> writes:
> The fact that a function is defined within a class statement doesn't
> imply any "magic", it just creates a function object, bind it to a
> name, and make that object an attribute of the class. You have the
> very same result by defining the function outside the class statement
> and binding it within the class statement, by defining the function
> outside the class and binding it to the class outside the class
> statement, by binding the name to a lambda within the class statement
> etc...

But why can't the current procedure to resolve method calls be changed
to automatically define a 'self' variable in the scope of the called
function, instead of binding its first argument?



 »It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority.
  By definition, there are already enough people to do that.«
                                                         -J.H. Hardy

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