Reasoning behind 'self' parameter in classes?

Robert Dailey rcdailey at
Wed Jul 30 15:49:41 EDT 2008

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Matthew Fitzgibbons <elessar at>wrote:

> Robert Dailey wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Brett g Porter <bgporter at<mailto:
>> bgporter at>> wrote:
>>    Robert Dailey wrote:
>>        This is an example of a response I'm looking for:
>>        "The self parameter is required because the parser is a bit old
>>        and needs to know the exact object you're referencing"
>>        This is _not_ an example of what I'm looking for:
>>        "Specifying self is a great mysterious thing that we should
>>        never question. Do not question the language! The language is
>>        mighty! Don't bring C++ to Python!"
>>    Fredrik Lundh has written a  very clear explanation of this at
>>    (or if you don't feel like stitching that URL
>>    back together...)
>> This sounds like an article of opinion. He's not really given any reasons
>> other than "Well, it makes this easier or look better". True that
>> declarations are the determining factor in C/C++, however I was thinking of
>> more or less an implied 'self'. For example:
>> # Consider this normal syntax:
>> class MyFoo:
>>    def DoFoo( self ):
>>        self._member = 6
>> # Elimintating 'self' in the parameter list should still work as far as
>> the
>> # interpreter is concerned, since 'self' in this case now acts like 'this'
>> # in C++. The below code should be equivalent.
>> class MyFoo:
>>    def DoFoo():
>>        self._member = 6
>> Given the code samples above, is there any technical reason why this
>> cannot be done? Thanks for the input guys, and thanks more over for keeping
>> this easy-going.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
> Your first example could be written:
> class MyFoo(object):
>    def do_foo(the_foo_instance):
>        the_foo_instance._member = 6
> 'self' is not special the way 'this' is in C++. It's just a name for an
> object reference just like any other name for any other object reference.
> -Matt

Yes, I realize that it can have any name. But this does not change its
purpose. It was simply an example. In the second code snippet I gave you,
'self' would become a reserved word and a user would have to use that to
reference the object from which the function was called.
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