Interesting Thread Gotcha

Hendrik van Rooyen mail at
Wed Jan 16 02:10:36 EST 2008

"Dan" <the,,,> wrote:

> >>> keyboard_thread = thread.start_new_thread(kbd_driver (port_q,kbd_q))
> Needs to be
> >>> keyboard_thread = thread.start_new_thread(kbd_driver, (port_q,kbd_q))
> Commas are important!
> -Dan

Absolutely! - well spotted!

As the first correct respondent, you win the freedom to spend a week in
Naboomspruit at your own expense.

It would have been nice, however, to have gotten something like:

TypeError - This routine needs a tuple.

instead of the silent in line calling of the routine in question,
while failing actually to start a new thread.

It seems to act no different from plain old:

kbd_driver (port_q,kbd_q)

Is it worth the trouble of learning how to submit a bug report?

- Hendrik

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