removeall() in list

castironpi at castironpi at
Sat Jan 12 17:41:14 EST 2008

On Jan 12, 1:28 pm, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote:
> castiro... at writes:
> > Will you engage with me over e-mail to discuss the Locker
> > implementation I'm developing?  Aaron
> I really can't, sorry.  I'm finding it hard enough to follow over the
> newsgroup.  If you just have a single one of these lists, it's
> probably simplest to do what Frederik Lundh suggested.  The other
> stuff we've discussed is mostly about how to organize having a lot of
> them.

Highlight from the working solution:

	def onfulfill( self, func, *args, **kwargs ):
		'''decorator launches its function in separate thread
		upon completion of func.  todo: cancel and reference
		locfunc= Ref()
		def honorth():
			result= self.op( func, *args, **kwargs )
			locfunc.val( result )
		def prefulfill( func ):
			locfunc.val= func
			th= threading.Thread( target= honorth )
		return prefulfill

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