calling variable function name ?

Arnaud Delobelle arnodel at
Wed Apr 30 12:05:59 EDT 2008

TkNeo <tarun.kap at> writes:

> George - Thanks for your reply but what you suggested is not working:
> def FA(param1,param2):
>     print "FA" + param1 + " " + param2
> def FA(param1,param2):
>     print "FB" + param1 + " " + param2
> def FA(param1,param2):
>     print "FC" + param1 + " " + param2
> temp = sys.argv[1]
> func = globals()["F" + temp]
> func("Hello", "World")
> I ran the script with first parameter as B and i get the following
> message
> KeyError: 'FB'

Perhaps if you call your three function FA, FB, FC instead of FA, FA,
FA it'll help?


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