Information manager/organizer with tags question.

Wildemar Wildenburger lasses_weil at
Tue Nov 13 12:42:54 EST 2007

andrei.avk at wrote:
> Hello,
> [snip outline of an information editor]

Maybe the Literary Machine?

It is a bit weird at first, and Windows only (altough I have had it 
running under wine once). But it is actually really well designed and 
very powerful.

Or, if it ever comes out (I've been waiting for it for YEARS now), 
perhaps Ceryle would fit the bill:


There once was some code to download, but I couldnt get it to compile. 
The guy who writes the software is a really approachable, nice guy. 
Maybe if you contact him and politely prod him into finally getting the 
thing out, nobody will ever need to write any information manager anymore.


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