Python Web Programming - looking for examples of solid high-traffic sites

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at
Fri May 18 08:48:42 EDT 2007

John Nagle a écrit :
> Victor Kryukov wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> our team is going to rewrite our existing web-site, which has a lot of
>> dynamic content and was quickly prototyped some time ago.
> ...
>> Our main requirement for tools we're going to use is rock-solid
>> stability. As one of our team-members puts it, "We want to use tools
>> that are stable, has many developer-years and thousands of user-years
>> behind them, and that we shouldn't worry about their _versions_." The
>> main reason for that is that we want to debug our own bugs, but not
>> the bugs in our tools.
>    You may not be happy with Python, then.

John, I'm really getting tired of your systemic and totally 
unconstructive criticism. If *you* are not happy with Python, by all 
means use another language.

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