Lisp-like macros in Python?

Andy Freeman anamax at
Tue May 1 17:52:07 EDT 2007

On May 1, 9:10 am, sturlamolden <sturlamol... at> wrote:
> I was
> wondering if it is possible to emulate some of the functionality in
> Python using a function decorator that evals Python code in the stack
> frame of the caller. The macro would then return a Python expression
> as a string. Granted, I know more Python than Lisp, so it may not work
> exactly as you expect.

How about something that can't be done with a function, such as the
functionality of the "with" statement that was added to python 2.5?

Yes, it has to handle a suite of statements.

It would be nice if it handled both the "{as target}" and no target

Also, it shouldn't rely on magic names - if it needs a variable for
its purposes, it should guarantee that said variable and/or use can
not be one that affects how the rest of the user's program behaves.

There's a fair amount of relevant discussion in

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