Python and GUI

Thomas Lenarz Thomas.Lenarz at
Mon May 21 12:28:36 EDT 2007

On 21 May 2007 08:39:44 -0700, sdoty044 at wrote:

>All I am doing is prompting users for some data (listbox, radio
>buttons, text box, ect...).  Then I will have some text output, maybe
>a scrolling text message as things are happening.
>I have some minor things I need to do, for example, if Checkbutton X
>is clicked, I need to disable TextBox Y, and I would like to display
>the scrolling text (output)
You should be able to do all those things with TKInter (though I am
not sure about the automatted scrolling text.).

>Ultimately, is it worth downloading and learning some of the packages
>avaiable for Python, or should I just stick to the Tkinter stuff that
>is included.
Like Brad, I would recommend trying wxPyhton
( There is an installer for Windows. Best is
to look at the wxPython-Demo first thing. It contains a lot of
example-code to borrow from. You can both read and try the code within
the Demo-Application.

However, the documentation of  the class-library is for C++ only. You
have to apply it to the python-version yourself. 

I prefer wxPython to TKInter because it offers more complex widgets
namely Grids and Tabular-Lists right out of the box.

Best wishes,

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