Python's "only one way to do it" philosophy isn't good?

Kay Schluehr kay.schluehr at
Sat Jun 9 07:28:10 EDT 2007

On Jun 9, 12:16 pm, James Stroud <jstr... at> wrote:
> Terry Reedy wrote:
> > In Python, you have a choice of recursion (normal or tail)
> Please explain this. I remember reading on this newsgroup that an
> advantage of ruby (wrt python) is that ruby has tail recursion, implying
> that python does not.

Proof by rumour? You can use first class continuations in Ruby to
eliminate tail calls in and define higher order function wrappers
( like Python decorators ). But I wouldn't call this "fully

> Does python have fully optimized tail recursion as
> described in the tail recursion Wikipedia entry?


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