avoid script running twice

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Mon Jun 18 13:22:52 EDT 2007

Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
> Robin Becker wrote:
> Well I can think of a dumb way: create a temporary file during the 
> transaction and have your script check for that before running its main 
> body.
> I think thats the most hassle free way of doing it.
> /W
I looked at the temporary files idea, but I'm not certain about the exact 
details. Normally your create a file and then remove it whilst keeping the file 
handle; that allows your program to write to it whilst guaranteeing that it will 
vanish when you die, but this has to be a named file so that the second instance 
can check for it. Doesn't that prevent it from being already removed? My unix 
experience is long, but fairly primitive.
Robin Becker

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