"Empty" text

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch bj_666 at gmx.net
Sun Jul 8 16:55:42 EDT 2007

On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 22:23:20 +0200, Jan Danielsson wrote:

>    The problem is that this generates the following code:
>           <tr>
>             <th>Description</th>
>             <td>
>               <textarea cols="64" name="desc" rows="8" />
>             </td>
>           </tr>
>    Firefox is very unhappy about the textarea not having separate
> opening and a closing tags. i.e. I need this:
>               <textarea cols="64" name="desc" rows="8"></textarea>
>    I understand the opitmization ElementTree is performing; but it seems
> there are cases when it is not the proper thing to do. Is it possible to
>  force ElementTree to output the XHTML code I need it to?

Then either Firefox is broken or you don't declare your XHTML properly and
Firefox thinks it's HTML.

	Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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