why only an msi-installer for windows ?

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Wed Dec 19 05:04:03 EST 2007

>>> having a lot of trouble installing 2.5 (without affecting my stable
>>> 2.4),
>>> I wonder why there's only a msi installer for windows users ?
>> What's your problem? I have five versions installed (2.1, 2.3, 2.4,
>> 2.5 and svn) and they coexist peacefully. Just make sure when
>> installing 2.5: a) use a different directory (obviously!) b) don't
>> associate .py extension with this new version.
> So how do you prevent that the windows registry is changed,
> if you're using an msi installer ?

Just unselect "Register Extensions" ("Make this Python installation
the default Python installation") when installing the MSI file, if
you don't want .py be associated with this installation.

> Or do you use another install technique ?.
> Or do you don't mind that the registry is changed by an installation ?

It's indeed no problem whatsoever to modify the registry. Different
Python versions use different registry keys, so they don't conflict.

> Yes I've to study that once.
> As a REAL windows user,
> I know nothing about registry, environment variables, associating files
> etc,
> Bill is always doing that for me !! ;-)

And so is Python. Just install the MSI file, and don't worry.


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