pyparsing listAllMatches problem

Paul McGuire ptmcg at
Sat Sep 9 13:46:29 EDT 2006

"don pasquale" <don.pasquale at> wrote in message 
news:op.tfl7fdwumlmssi at fafoi.lan...
> hello,
> I'm using pyparsing and trying to parse something like:
> test="""Q(x,y,z):-Bloo(x,"Mitsis",y),Foo(y,z,1243),y>28,x<12,x>3"""
> and also have all comparison predicates in a separate list apart from the 
> parse tree. So my grammar has this line in it:
> Comparison_Predicate = Group(variable + oneOf("< >")  + 
> integer).setResultsName("pred",listAllMatches=True)
> but it doesn't work at all... only the last comp.pred. gets in the pred 
> attribute...

Thanks for posting this test case.  This is a bug in pyparsing.  I'll have a 
fix ready shortly.

-- Paul

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