What's up with site.Quitter?

James Stroud jstroud at mbi.ucla.edu
Wed Sep 27 06:33:50 EDT 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> James Stroud wrote:
>> Yes, but I was speaking more consistency than convenience (see above 
>> for what I mean by consistency).
> why would having access to a type object for exit/quit help you do 
> proper syntax coloring, btw?  if you want to generate a syntax table, 
> wouldn't it be better to use things like
>     issubclass(obj, Exception)
> and
>     callable(obj)
> etc. ?

Actually, my code has the first test and the second is a consequence of 
my checking for types.BuiltinFunctionType. Perhaps the way you suggest 
is less cumbersome. Food for thought.

> (__builtins__ is an implementation detail, btw;

OK. I assumed that __builtins__ are somehow sacred regarding what would 
be reserved. Perhaps not. However, I used __builtins__ to generate a 
list of reserved words and used types for syntax checking.

 > if you want a list of
 > the builtins, import __builtin__ (no plural) and do dir on that).
 > </F>

cPython, at least, gives this equivalence:

py> import __builtin__
py> __builtins__ is __builtin__

I assume, as you suggest, that one may not depend on this equivalence 
for all implementations.

Thank you for your suggestions,

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