atexit.register does not return the registered function. IMHO, it should.

Georg Brandl g.brandl-nospam at
Thu Nov 16 12:17:48 EST 2006

Skip Montanaro schrieb:
>> Since that the decorator syntax is upon us, I think it would be good if
>> atexit.register() was returning the function passed as argument.  This
>> simple change to the library would solve a problem with the use of
>> atexit.register as a decorator (and I can't think of any use case where
>> this change would break any code).
> ...
> Can you submit a bug report to the SourceForge bug tracker?  I'll take
> care of the problem when I have access to the subversion repository.

Sorry, didn't read this thread before the bug report, which is why I
already handled this one ;)


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