Seeking assistance - string processing.

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Tue Nov 14 06:07:51 EST 2006

billpaterson2006 at wrote:

> Thanks so much, a really elegant solution indeed.
> I have another question actually which I'm praying you can help me
> with:
> with regards to the .jpg conversion to .jpg]] and .gif -> .gif]]
> this works, but only when .jpg/.gif is on it's own line.
> i.e:
> .jpg
> will get converted to:
> .jpg]]
> but
> Image:test.jpg
> gets converted to:
> [[Image:test.jpg
> rather than
> [[Image:test.jpg]]
> ------------------
> Hope you can help again!  Cheers

It does not do the right thing in all cases, but maybe you can get away with

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith("==="):
        line = line.rstrip() + "===\n"
    line = line.replace("--------------------","----")
    line = line.replace("img:","[[Image:")
    line = line.replace(".jpg",".jpg]]")
    line = line.replace(".gif",".gif]]")


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