Noob | datetime question martin.witte at
Tue Nov 14 14:57:28 EST 2006

On Nov 14, 4:22 pm, "Demel, Jeff" <Jeff.De... at> wrote:
> I'm having trouble finding exactly what I need by googling, so thought
> I'd try to get a quick answer from the group.  This seems like something
> that should be dead simple.
> I need to generate a string value of a date in the format YYYYMMDD that
> is 97 days in the future.  The datetime module is brand new to me, and
> I'm not sure how to do this.  Can someone help me out here?
With the datetime module you can do something like:

py> import datetime
py> d =
py> print d
py> d97 = d + datetime.timedelta(days=97)
py> print d97
py> fmt_d97 = d97.isoformat().replace('-', '')
py> print fmt_d97

> -Jeff
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