Creating db front end or middleware.

Bruno Desthuilliers onurb at xiludom.gro
Mon Nov 6 05:19:47 EST 2006

tobiah wrote:
> Let's say I want to write a new tool to do
> something to, or report on people in a database.
> Each tool is going to have to have all sorts of
> routines that know about the relationship between
> the data.  The first thought is to write a library
> of routines that do things like, change_address(),
> or fire_employee() or whatever. 
> Whoops, now we've decided to move to python.  I
> have to write all of that again.
> So I thought, shouldn't there be a cloud that sits
> in front of the database to which I can ask these
> services of?  Some process that awaits requests for
> information, or handles new incoming data.  Now new
> apps written in any language should be able to use a basic protocol in
> order to get the work done.
> The question then, is what the best way to do this is.

The first question then is: do you really need a middleware ? Most
RDBMSs are already full-blown server applications - with support for
authentification, permissions, triggers and stored procedures - that can
be accessed by client programs in almost any language.

Now if you effectively want/need a web service, it seems that the
canonical solutions are XMLRPC and SOAP. But if you already use a RDBMS,
 this web service should IMHO mostly be designed as an higher-level
interface to the RDBMS, not as a full-blown app managing domain/business
rules (which is the job of the RDBMS). IOW, it should be still possible
for applications to directly interact with the RDBMS.

> First I thought of using cherrypy to sit and listen to
> POST requests, but this would make passing complex structures
> extremely inconvenient.

There are XMLRPC packages for most languages, that knows how to do the
native data structure <-> XMLRPC translation. Python has both client and
server packages in the standard lib.

>  Then I thought about WSDL.
> Would this be the next logical step, or is this more for
> allowing different companies to communicate with each other
> when there needs to be a broadcast description of the interface?

As the name implies, W(eb) S(ervice) D(escription) L(anguage) is meant
to describe a given web service - and says nothing about implementation.

My 2 cents
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in 'onurb at xiludom.gro'.split('@')])"

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