Python 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 transition issue

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu May 4 16:15:32 EDT 2006

Panos Laganakos wrote:

> OS: Windows XP + SP1
> On this particular box, I hadn't moved to 2.4.3 yet.
> So, earlier today, I uninstalled Python2.4.2 and installed 2.4.3 using
> the .msi installer.
> It seems though everything looked great, that when I invoke 'python'
> from the command line, I get Python2.4.2 (as the header states),
> instead of 2.4.3.
> I looked at the registry and at the PATH variables of both system and
> current user, but they are just stating 'C:\Python24\'.
> When I explicitly call C:\Python24\python.exe though, 2.4.3 comes up.
> Any ideas what seems to be the problem here?

in your python 2.4.2 interpreter, what does

    >>> import sys
    >>> sys.executable

say ?

if you do a global search for "python24.dll", how many instances do
you find ?


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