Large Dictionaries

Chris Foote chris at
Wed May 17 09:28:20 EDT 2006

Klaas wrote:
>> 22.2s  20m25s[3]
> 20m to insert 1m keys?  You are doing something wrong.

Hi Mike.

I've put together some simplified test code, but the bsddb
module gives 11m for 1M keys:

Number generator test for 1000000 number ranges
         with a maximum of 3 wildcard digits.
Wed May 17 22:18:17 2006 dictionary population started
Wed May 17 22:18:26 2006 dictionary population stopped, duration 8.6s
Wed May 17 22:18:27 2006 StorageBerkeleyDB population started
Wed May 17 22:29:32 2006 StorageBerkeleyDB population stopped, duration 665.6s
Wed May 17 22:29:33 2006 StorageSQLite population started
Wed May 17 22:30:38 2006 StorageSQLite population stopped, duration 65.5s

test code is attached.

> With bdb's it is crucial to insert keys in bytestring-sorted order.

For the bsddb test, I'm using a plain string.  (The module docs list a
string being the only datatype supported for both keys & values).

> Also, be sure to give it a decent amount of cache.

The bsddb.hashopen() factory seems to have a bug in this regard; if you
supply a cachesize argument, then it barfs:

   File "", line 67, in runtest
     db = bsddb.hashopen(None, flag='c', cachesize=8192)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/bsddb/", line 288, in hashopen
     if cachesize is not None: d.set_cachesize(0, cachesize)
bsddb._db.DBInvalidArgError: (22, 'Invalid argument -- DB->set_cachesize: method not permitted when environment 

I'll file a bug report on this if it isn't already fixed.

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