Please, I Have A Question before I get started

Ravi Teja webraviteja at
Mon Mar 13 01:51:23 EST 2006

Sigh. I could not have imagined that a link without an offending word
could be taken as an insult. Perhaps the lack on accompanying text
contributed? Anyway, it just was not my day (and not just you).

To me, that article makes many points. I was thinking in terms of
technology stagnation and particularly, essential complexity that the
author stresses. That things don't keep getting much better after a

I do not think that technology has gone backwards. Hyper card
alternatives still exist.
They just aren't as popular anymore or obvious choices. Back then,
there weren't that many alternatives. I could either program a GUI in C
or to use Hypercard. The difference was stark, the choices were obvious
and the market was focussed.

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